Steps to Get Started With The NutExchange
In order to increase your efficiency in today’s dynamic, ever-changing market, The NutExchange staff has made it incredibly simple to begin buying and selling products.
Step 1 - Create a FREE Account
We do not send bothersome emails or rent/sell your personal information for any reason whatsoever.
During this process you will:
- Choose a username and password, then provide your information.
- Once your registration is submitted, you will validate your account via your provided email address.
- Upon logging in for the first time, you will set your email notification settings and indicate if you would like to receive Live Quotes. Your notification settings can be updated at any time.
Step 2 - Enter The NutExchange
Below is a listing of all the activies and tools available to you as a member.
- List your offers-to-sell (seller fee of 0.05% if transaction is completed)
- Place bids-to-buy at no cost
- Submit a Live Quote to generate offers from top suppliers in the industry
- Utilize the Preferred Membership option to setup trusted customers or suppliers
*Seller transaction fee will apply
Contact the NutExchange directly at or by calling (817) 573-0207