THE NUTEXCHANGE is a global network of all buyers and sellers of a particular commodity.
THE NUTEXCHANGE is a forum that brings buyers and sellers of commodities together in a single trading session. To date, the focus of the exchange is on commodities like nuts, fruits, seeds, spices and other similar commodities. However, the categories are growing daily. The exchange is a confidential environment where the buyer and the seller operate in complete confidentiality, unless the party chooses to be known. The full identity of a buyer/seller is not known until the transaction is complete. There is no cost to become a member of THE NUTEXCHANGE. All transactions are subject to final confirmation between both buyer and seller.
There is no cost to join THE NUTEXCHANGE and be given the privilege of viewing items for sale or items customers want to purchase. A registered user can see all postings on this site, but will receive email notification only for the items the buyer/seller requested during the registration process. When an item is sold, the seller will incur a 0.5% seller's fee, regardless of who initiates the trade. The buyer never pays a fee for a transaction.